Why People Never Reach the Goal of Becoming Wealthy: A Reflection on Procrastination, Fear, and Self-Reliance

Folks, let me share a story that perfectly illustrates why so many people struggle to achieve financial success. This tale involves a young Vietnamese lady who works as a waiter at one of my favorite restaurants. Her dream to become a millionaire is a classic example of the obstacles many face on the road to […]

Why People Never Reach the Goal of Becoming Wealthy: A Reflection on Procrastination, Fear, and Self-Reliance Read More »

Understanding Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy and Its Modern Applications

Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, developed a comprehensive ethical theory that emphasizes practical wisdom and virtue. Unlike purely theoretical disciplines, Aristotle’s ethics focuses on achieving well-being through good actions, guided by virtues such as courage, justice, and temperance. Central to his philosophy is the concept of eudaimonia—often translated as happiness or flourishing—which he posits as

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