Goal Setting & Budgeting

This blog category focuses on how to set goals and achieve them. It also focuses on how to manage finances like a CFO.

The Road to Wealth: How Saving Paves the Way to Financial Prosperity

Introduction: The Timeless Wisdom of Saving In the complexity of life, you find yourself wandering the varied paths in pursuit of wealth. You chase the elusive whims of fortune, or the glittering allure of chance. Yet, you should heed the wise advice handed down by Benjamin Franklin: “The road to wealth is paved through savings.” […]

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Beware of Little Expenses: The Sage Advice of Poor Richard

Greetings, aspiring wealth builders! Allow me to impart a pearl of wisdom from the venerable Poor Richard, whose sage advice has guided many a soul to prosperity. He once proclaimed, “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” In this simple yet profound saying lies a critical lesson for those who

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The Five Mistakes People Make That Prevents Them from Building Wealth

Folks, let me tell you something. In my 25 years as a financial planner, I’ve seen it all. People come to me, desperate to build wealth, but they keep making the same mistakes. It’s almost like a bad habit they can’t shake. Today, I’m going to share with you the five main reasons people fail

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How to Deal with High Inflation-The Story of a Young Man Facing Financial Struggles

Folks, let me tell you about a young man who called me recently, very worried about his financial situation. This guy, fresh out of college, just landed a sales job making $66,000 a year. Now, in the good old days, that was a great salary. But today, with this crazy inflation, he’s barely getting by.

How to Deal with High Inflation-The Story of a Young Man Facing Financial Struggles Read More »

Why People Never Reach the Goal of Becoming Wealthy: A Reflection on Procrastination, Fear, and Self-Reliance

Folks, let me share a story that perfectly illustrates why so many people struggle to achieve financial success. This tale involves a young Vietnamese lady who works as a waiter at one of my favorite restaurants. Her dream to become a millionaire is a classic example of the obstacles many face on the road to

Why People Never Reach the Goal of Becoming Wealthy: A Reflection on Procrastination, Fear, and Self-Reliance Read More »

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